
Thank you for reaching out and consult Joy-Kids Education Group. If you would like to register for our kindergarten, please click here to complete the online application form.

Baby's Name/宝贝姓名(必填)

Baby's Nationality /宝贝国籍(必填)

Baby's Birth Date/宝贝出生日期(必填)

Baby’s Hukou Address宝贝户籍地址(必填)

Baby's Living address宝贝现居地址(必填)

Parents’ Name 家长姓名(必填)

Guardian Relationship/ 父母或监护人与学生关系(必填)

Parents Contact (Wechat\ phone number\ email)

Message for the admissions team/请留言:

I give consent to Joy-Kids Education Group to create an account on OpenApply online platform and grant permissions to share our information with Joy-kids Kindergarten in other location.